

summer skins


every year we will unload our coats, our beanies, and mittens. Our unclean and warn boots. Yes, we unload our scarfs, even our leg warmers. Some of us, will even go as far as unload our spirits. the saddened and damp spirits. 
the icy and frozen eyelashes grow long and dark. 
our pasty dull faces are replaced with brown, freckled, covered features. Our socks come off and our feet become dirt stained. and bare. 
our hole filled mittens are thrown away, and substituted with cheap nail polish. There go our scarfs and beanies. And the buns and reddened necks are free. 
the quiet stripping of our wintered hopes are left behind, and readied to redeem our summer skins. 
yes, this happens every year. 
every year? yes. every year.  

our summer skins introduces us to a new was of living.. the true way of living.
you ask, "the best way of living."
and i nod.. "yes. the best way of living. indeed."
it shows us how to have thoughtlessness phone calls. it even shows us how to have green eyes, and careless poems. the summer skins shows us how to be untamed, how to behave and how to imagine. it shows us which shoes will get too many holes to ware, and if you are lucky, it shows us how to love loneliness. 
yes. loneliness is lucky.
it shows us how to miss our beds, and our new head phones.
it shows us how to hike, and long board, perhaps even how to rain dance. .. even how to be an indian. 
our summer skins shows us how to have blond hair, and glasses. and how to never brush our hair. summer skins whispers the silent music to our hearts, to our sun-drenched hearts. it shows to us how to have-a-silent-eye-role. it shows us how to have an i-don't-care-about-what-you-think-or-think-of-me kind of attitude. {is not caring good,,                                         or bad?}
it shows us how to love the gaps between our teeth, and how to have our own conversations, and how to live with the smell of coffee. 
and through our summer skins, 
we are introduced to a new way of living..
you ask, "the best way of living?"
and i nod, "yes. the best way of living. indeed."

the master plan

welcome to summer every one. 
welcome very much. 

Sarah Janelle.