

it's not really different to like mondays.

i read through the internet, and the so called, "blogs" and i frown. i do a whole lot of frowning when i read these "blogs". and i frown because i wish i could write like these other kids, yes. that's all i really ever wanted. 

all the freaky "indie" kids who need to leave their "mark" on this world are so absolutely desperate to be different. but you know. what's different about trying to be different, when everyone is doing it? how different are you being when everyone is different, is no one different? being different isn't different. you're all the same. all trying to leave the same "mark" but in your own different way. what's the point? some of the "different indie kids" will leave their mark by style. but hasn't everyone tried that at least once or twice? aren't you just copying some one else style, but then putting your "own different" tweak to it? that's not different. because in reality. everyone does that. other "different kids" will make their mark through their writing, which is where i do a lot of frowning while i read their writing, i guess leaving your "mark" on writing is a little easier, because other people aren't really ALLOWED to copy your writing while putting their own little tweak to it, because that's not ALLOWED. have you heard of copy right, perhaps? plus maybe one day i will be able to leave this "mark" that everyone is talking about on my own writing, but probably not, because i tend to use overly long run-on sentences and repeat the same words quite often. double plus, i also tend to not make that much sense when i write, but you know, it makes a lot of sense to me, and paragraphs aren't really my thing. that's alright though. all you desperate different kids. oh you guys. you're quite the silly little bunch. you silly bunch you. some of you like to leave your "mark" by pretending you like to read, or write poetry, or do drugs. but all of you like to read and write poetry and do drugs. so how are you different? 
do you even want to be different?
of course you do. of course. do i want to be different? you know. it all depends what different really is. 
being different isn't actually being different. not being different is different. but who wants to be different any way? 
it's a monday. and being different isn't different. 

HELLO? can you tell me your plan for life? 
how much does it involve ME?

sarah janelle.