

 i have writers block.

i don't mind change as long as everything stays the same.

Sarah Janelle.


Katherine Jane said...

What a coincidence! I posted about writer's block as well! Look at us! two peas in a blog(: get it??

Sarah Janelle said...

you are great! ps. i have that same picture with the girl holding the cat. it is dear to me.

Sarah Janelle said...

pps. i have dedicated my day to this fox painting me and my sister are doing. just thought you would be interested.

Katherine Jane said...

oh my gosh! i'm so sorry i don't want to steal it from you! I'll go change my picture right away! Ps. That is the most amazing thing i've ever heard about the fox painting. Question though.... how do you paint with your sister on the same thing? I hate having people around when i draw let alone paint! you two must be super close!! You are lucky(:

PPs. You have some of my most favorite songs on your play list and sometimes i just go on your blog and let the playlist run and let them take me back to simpler times. They are wonderful songs.

Sarah Janelle said...

thank you very much. and keep your cat picture. it suits you very well! and my sister and i just started becoming close. it's hard to paint with her though. i was mostly her coach. haha.